Tuesday, April 22, 2008

September 2006

The month of September was great for the most part. The weather was warm, mainly sunny and our rough little garden was doing ok, though the tomatoes weren't ripening as fast as we would have liked. There was still so much ground yet to bring under control. I began the construction of our first wood shed, opposite the west side of the shop. I dug post holes by hand and braced the 4X4 posts up so I could set them in concrete. Once the concrete was cured up I quickly added the horizontal members, to hold the siding and simple sheet metal roof. The contractor who built my shop left several partial sheets of metal siding/roofing, enough to cover two small sheds. Shed one was completed by early October.

One thing that Sue and I observed, as September became cooler, was that the flies and lady bugs liked to bask in the sun's warmth by attaching themselves to the exteriors of our house and shop. We were very glad that, earlier in the summer, Sue had asked that we get screen doors for the front and rear entries of our home. Still, some of the flies and lady bugs made it inside. Sue and I were pretty ruthless in getting rid of the flies, whereas we attempted to get as many of the ladybugs outside alive as we could. A few we just chose to tolerate. Ladybugs, you see, are friends of the gardener, so we are not upset by their presence around us.